zero balance

zero balance
a state in which the amount of water or an electrolyte excreted from the body is exactly equal to that ingested; see equilibrium.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • zero-balance account — ( ZBA) A cash management service offered by banks. A bank checking account that can accept deposits and/or make disbursements but that is always maintained at a zero balance. The zero balance is maintained by transferring just enough funds from… …   Financial and business terms

  • Zero Balance Account - ZBA — A checking account in which a balance of zero is maintained by automatically transferring funds from a master account in an amount only large enough to cover checks presented. A zero balance account is used by corporations to eliminate excess… …   Investment dictionary

  • Zero-balance account (ZBA) — A checking account in which zero balance is maintained by transfers of funds from a master account in an amount only large enough to cover checks presented. The New York Times Financial Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • zero balance account —   conto a saldo nullo   Metodologia contabile adottata di norma da una società nei confronti delle proprie filiali distaccate. Tale sistema prevede la trasmissione alla sede centrale di tutte le attività e le passività dei distaccamenti che, di… …   Glossario di economia e finanza

  • zéro — [ zero ] n. m. • 1485; empr., pour remplacer l a. fr. cifre « zéro », puis « chiffre », à l it. zero, d ab. zefiro, transcription de l ar. sifr « vide; zéro »; cf. chiffre 1 ♦ Symbole numéral (0) destiné à remplacer, dans la numération écrite,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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