precapillary arteriole

precapillary arteriole
arterial capillaries.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Precapillary sphincter — The precapillary sphincter is a band of smooth muscle that adjusts the blood flow into each capillary. Blood flow in a capillary changes as vasomotion occurs. The entire capillary bed may be bypassed by blood flow through arteriovenous… …   Wikipedia

  • precapillary — Preceding a capillary; an arteriole or venule. * * * pre·cap·il·lary kap ə .ler ē, Brit usu kə pil ə rē adj being on the arterial side of and immediately adjacent to a capillary precapillary n, pl lar·ies METARTERIOLE * * * pre·cap·il·lary (pre… …   Medical dictionary

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  • metarteriole — One of the small peripheral blood vessel s between the arterioles and the true capillaries that contain scattered groups of smooth muscle fibers in their walls. [meta + arteriole] * * * met·ar·te·ri·ole .är tir ē .ōl n any of the delicate blood… …   Medical dictionary

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