
ki·ne·to·car·di·og·ra·phy (kĭ-ne″to-kahr″de-ogґrə-fe) [kineto- + cardiography] the technique of graphically recording the slow vibrations of the anterior chest wall in the region of the heart, the vibrations representing the absolute motion of the heart at a given point on the chest.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • cardiography — Use of the cardiograph. SEE ALSO: electrocardiography. ultrasonic c. SYN: echocardiography. ultrasound c. SYN: echocardiography. * * * car·di·og·ra·phy (kahr″de ogґrə fe) [cardio (1) + graphy] the technique of graphically recording… …   Medical dictionary

  • kinetocardiogram — One type of graphic recording of the vibrations of the chest wall produced by cardiac activity. * * * ki·neto·car·dio·gram kə .net ō kärd ē ə .gram, kī n a graphic recording of the vibration of the precordium ki·neto·car·dio·graph·ic .kärd ē ə… …   Medical dictionary

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