violent collision
1violent — adj. 1 involving or using great physical force (a violent person; a violent storm; came into violent collision). 2 a intense, vehement, passionate, furious (a violent contrast; violent dislike). b vivid (violent colours). 3 (of death) resulting… …
2collision — [ kɔlizjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1480; lat. collisio 1 ♦ Choc de deux corps qui se rencontrent. ⇒ impact. Collision entre deux voitures, deux trains. ⇒ accident, accrochage, télescopage. Entrer en collision avec (qqch.) :heurter (qqch.). Assurance tierce… …
3collision — I (accident) noun concussion, contact, convergence, crash, encounter, impact, impingement, jar, jolt, meeting, percussion, pileup, shock, striking together, sudden contact, violent contact associated concepts: avoidable collision, collision auto… …
4Collision — Col*li sion, n. [L. collisio, fr. collidere. See {Collide}.] 1. The act of striking together; a striking together, as of two hard bodies; a violent meeting, as of railroad trains; a clashing. [1913 Webster] 2. A state of opposition; antagonism;… …
5collision — [kə lizh′ən] n. [ME < LL collisio < pp. of L collidere: see COLLIDE] 1. the act of colliding, or coming together with sudden, violent force 2. a clash or conflict of opinions, interest, etc …
6violent contact — index collision (accident) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
7collision — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ serious (esp. BrE) ▪ multiple ▪ head on, mid air ▪ high speed, violent ▪ …
8violent — adj. 1 using physical strength intended to hurt/kill VERBS ▪ be ▪ become, get, grow, turn ▪ She started to get violent. ADVERB …
9collision course — 1) N SING: usu on a N, oft N with n If two or more people or things are on a collision course, there is likely to be a sudden and violent disagreement between them. The two communities are now on a collision course... Britain s universities are… …
10collision — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. impact, concussion; smashup, crash, fender bender (inf.); clash, opposition, interference; conflict, engagement. See contention, impulse. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A violent meeting] Syn. crash, impact,… …