tend toward
1tend toward — index discriminate (treat differently), gravitate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
2tend toward — Synonyms and related words: be disposed to, choose rather, favor, feel about it, have a bias, have preference, have rather, honor before, incline toward, lean toward, lean towards, like better, look at it, please, prefer, prefer to, rather, see… …
3tend — [ tend ] verb *** 1. ) intransitive to usually do a particular thing: tend to do something: He tends to exaggerate. The gym tends to get very busy at around six o clock. We tend to take technology for granted nowadays. These arguments tend merely …
4tend — tend1 [tend] vt. [ME tenden, aphetic < attenden: see ATTEND] 1. to take care of; minister to; watch over; look after; attend to [to tend plants or animals, to tend the sick] 2. to be in charge of or at work at; manage or operate [to tend a… …
5tend — [v1] be apt, likely aim, bear, be biased, be conducive, be disposed, be inclined, be in the habit of, be liable, bend, be predisposed, be prejudiced, conduce, contribute, dispose, drift, favor, go, gravitate, have an inclination, have a tendency …
6tend|en|cy — «TEHN duhn see», noun, plural cies. 1. an inclination; leaning: »Boys have a stronger tendency to fight than girls. SYNONYM(S): bent, bias, proneness, propensity. 2. a natural disposition to move, proceed, or act in some direction or toward some… …
7tend — tend1 /tend/, v.i. 1. to be disposed or inclined in action, operation, or effect to do something: The particles tend to unite. 2. to be disposed toward an idea, emotion, way of thinking, etc.: He tends to be overly optimistic. Her religious… …
8tend — I [[t]tɛnd[/t]] v. i. 1) to be disposed or inclined in action, operation, or effect to do something: The particles tend to unite[/ex] 2) to be disposed toward an idea, emotion, way of thinking, etc 3) to lead or conduce, as to some result or… …
9Toward the Age of Common Sense — ▪ 1995 by Sir Peter Ustinov I am not one of those who can easily tell the difference between year and year, like a meteorologist with reliable charts to go by. I am not even one who can refer to a kind of event or quirk of fashion as… …
10tend — Synonyms and related words: administer to, aim, animadvert, attend, attend on, attend to, baby sit, bear, bed, bed down, bend to, bias, break, bridle, brush, care for, cater to, chaperon, cherish, chore, conduce, conserve, contribute, cultivate,… …