1Professional Surveyors and Real Property Descriptions. Composition, Construction, and Comprehension , Estopinal Stephen V.
The only modern guide to interpreting and writing real property descriptions for surveyors Technical land information is no longer the exclusive domain of professional surveyors. The Internet now… 9365.69 руб электронная книга2Bayesian Risk Management. A Guide to Model Risk and Sequential Learning in Financial Markets , Matt Sekerke
A risk measurement and management framework that takes model risk seriously Most financial risk models assume the future will look like the past, but effective risk management depends on identifying… 6178.75 руб электронная книга3Demystifying China’s Mega Trends: The Driving Forces That Will Shake Up China and the World , Lo Chi (2017)
The biggest causes of dissatisfaction in the current analysis of China's mega trends is the lack of serious economic research effort. This has resulted in confusion and misunderstanding about the… 8240 руб