liable to injury

  • 11Gun laws in the United States (by state) — U.S. Firearms Legal Topics Assault weapons ban ATF Bureau Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act Concealed carry in the U.S. Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban …


  • 12respondeat superior — /raspondiyat s(y)apiriyar/ Let the master answer. This doctrine or maxim means that a master is liable in certain cases for the wrongful acts of his servant, and a principal for those of his agent. Burger Chef Systems, Inc. v. Govro, C.A.Mo., 407 …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 13social host — n: a person who furnishes another with alcohol in a social setting and not as a licensed vendor courts...reluctant to impose liability on social hosts based on...negligence principles alone, without the support of express legislative policy… …

    Law dictionary

  • 14endanger — en·dan·ger vt: to bring into danger or peril vi: to create a dangerous situation charged with driving to endanger Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. endanger …

    Law dictionary

  • 15no–duty doctrine — no–du·ty doctrine n: a doctrine in tort law: a defendant cannot be held liable for an injury if no duty is owed to the plaintiff; specif: a doctrine holding that a person in possession of property is under no duty to protect an invitee from a… …

    Law dictionary

  • 16nuisance — nui·sance / nüs əns, nyüs / n [Anglo French nusaunce, from Old French nuire to harm, from Latin nocēre]: something (as an act, object, or practice) that invades or interferes with another s rights or interests (as the use or enjoyment of… …

    Law dictionary

  • 17Naval tactics in the Age of Sail — A 17th century Spanish galleon Naval tactics in the Age of Sail were used from the early 17th century onward when sailing ships replaced oared galleys. These were used until the 1860s when steam powered ironclad warships rendered sailing line of… …


  • 18memorandum — /memaraendam/ To be remembered; be it remembered. A formal word with which the body of a record in the Court of King s Bench anciently commenced. An informal record, note or instrument embodying something that the parties desire to fix in memory… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 19memorandum — /memaraendam/ To be remembered; be it remembered. A formal word with which the body of a record in the Court of King s Bench anciently commenced. An informal record, note or instrument embodying something that the parties desire to fix in memory… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 20obnoxious — [əb näk′shəs, äbnäk′shəs] adj. [L obnoxiosus < obnoxius, subject or exposed to danger < ob (see OB ) + noxa, harm < base of nocere, to hurt: see NECRO ] 1. a) exposed or liable to injury, evil, or harm b) liable to punishment; censurable …

    English World dictionary