imperfectly cooked

  • 11Islam — Islamic /is lam ik, lah mik, iz /, Islamitic /is leuh mit ik, iz /, adj. /is lahm , iz , is leuhm, iz /, n. 1. the religious faith of Muslims, based on the words and religious system founded by the prophet Muhammad and taught by the Koran, the… …


  • 12ceremonial object — ▪ religion Introduction  any object used in a ritual or a religious ceremony.       Throughout the history of religions and cultures, objects used in cults, rituals, and sacred ceremonies have almost always been of both utilitarian and symbolic… …


  • 13Cortes's Account of the City of Mexico — ▪ Primary Source       FROM HIS SECOND LETTER TO THE EMPEROR CHARLES V.       In order, most potent Sire, to convey to your Majesty a just conception of the great extent of this noble city of Temixtitan, and of the many rare and wonderful objects …


  • 14half — n., adj., & adv. n. (pl. halves) 1 either of two equal or corresponding parts or groups into which a thing is or might be divided. 2 colloq. = half back. 3 colloq. half a pint, esp. of beer etc. 4 either of two equal periods of play in sports. 5… …

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