front rank

  • 101Roman Republic — See also: Roman Republic (18th century) and Roman Republic (19th century) Roman Republic Official name (as on coins): Roma after ca. 100 BC: Senatus PopulusQue Romanus ( The Senate and People of Rome ) …


  • 102Professional sports — Professional sports, as opposed to amateur sports, are those in which athletes receive payment for their performance. While men have competed as professional athletes throughout much of modern history, only recently has it become common for women …


  • 103Uhlan — Uhlans (in Polish: Ułan ; Ulan in German, from Turkish oğlan [ [http://www.m Merriam Webster Online Uhlan article] ] ) were Polish light cavalry armed with lances, sabres and pistols. The title was later used by lancer… …


  • 104Testudo formation — In Ancient Roman warfare, the testudo or tortoise formation was a formation used commonly by the Roman Legions during battles, particularly sieges. Testudo is the Latin word for tortoise . DescriptionIn the testudo formation, the men would close… …


  • 105Ramón Cabrera y Griñó — Ramon Cabrera y Griñó (27 December 1806 1877) was a Carlist general of Spain.He was born at Tortosa, province of Tarragona, Spain. As his family had in their gift two chaplaincies, young Cabrera was sent to the seminary of Tortosa, where he made… …


  • 106History of Waterford — Waterford city is situated in south eastern Ireland, on the river Suir [pronounced Shure] about seventeen miles from where the river enters the sea. Practically the entire city is built on the south bank of the river. The Old town , now the… …


  • 107Abdul Kalam, A.P.J. — ▪ 2003       In 2002 India made an unorthodox choice for president by electing a front rank rocket scientist. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, who was nicknamed Missile Man, had just retired from the country s space and defense research programs when the… …


  • 108advance guard — Synonyms and related words: airhead, armed guard, avant garde, bank guard, battle line, beachhead, bridgehead, coast guard, cordon, cordon sanitaire, farthest outpost, first line, forefront, front, front line, front rank, front runner, garrison,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 109beachhead — Synonyms and related words: acropolis, advance guard, airhead, avant garde, bastion, battle line, blockhouse, bridgehead, bunker, castle, citadel, donjon, farthest outpost, fasthold, fastness, first line, forefront, fort, fortress, front, front… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 110bridgehead — Synonyms and related words: acropolis, advance guard, airhead, avant garde, bastion, battle line, beachhead, blockhouse, bunker, castle, citadel, donjon, farthest outpost, fasthold, fastness, first line, forefront, fort, fortress, front, front… …

    Moby Thesaurus