drawing in

  • 11drawing — /draw ing/, n. 1. the act of a person or thing that draws. 2. a graphic representation by lines of an object or idea, as with a pencil; a delineation of form without reference to color. 3. a sketch, plan, or design, esp. one made with pen, pencil …


  • 12Drawing — For other uses, see Drawing (disambiguation). Male nude by Annibale Carracci, 16th century Drawing is a form of visual art that makes use of any number of drawing instruments to mark a two dimensional medium. Common instruments include graphite… …


  • 13drawing — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ chalk, charcoal, ink, line, pastel, pencil ▪ a set of charcoal drawings by a local artist ▪ black and white …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 14drawing — n. picture 1) to do, make a drawing 2) a composite drawing representation by lines 3) mechanical drawing 4) (a) freehand; line drawing lottery (esp. AE) 5) to hold a drawing (BE has draw) * * * [ drɔːɪŋ] line drawing make a drawing …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 15Drawing — draw draw (dr[add]), v. t. [imp. {Drew} (dr[udd]); p. p. {Drawn} (dr[add]n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Drawing}.] [OE. dra[yogh]en, drahen, draien, drawen, AS. dragan; akin to Icel. & Sw. draga, Dan. drage to draw, carry, and prob. to OS. dragan to bear,… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 16drawing — n. 1 a the art of representing by line. b delineation without colour or with a single colour. c the art of representing with pencils, pens, crayons, etc., rather than paint. 2 a picture produced in this way. Phrases and idioms: drawing board a… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 17drawing — Synonyms and related words: adductive, alluring, alphabet, appealing, art, aspiration, attracting, attraction, attractive, attrahent, avulsion, bewitching, bingo, black and white, bleeding, bloodletting, blueprint, broaching, brouillon,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 18drawing — noun Date: 14th century 1. an act or instance of drawing; especially the process of deciding something by drawing lots 2. the art or technique of representing an object or outlining a figure, plan, or sketch by means of lines 3. something drawn… …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 19drawing — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. picture, sketch, plan; delineation. See painting. drawing card II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [The practice or study of drawing] Syn. sketching, design, illustration, representation, rendering, tracing,… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 20drawing — draw|ing W2S2 [ˈdro:ıŋ US ˈdro: ] n 1.) a picture that you draw with a pencil, pen etc drawing of ▪ a drawing of Canterbury Cathedral 2.) [U] the art or skill of making pictures, plans etc with a pen or pencil ▪ I ve never been very good at… …

    Dictionary of contemporary English