continue lengthen in time
1lengthen — lengthener, n. /lengk theuhn, leng , len /, v.t. 1. to make longer; make greater in length. v.i. 2. to become greater in length; grow long or longer. [1490 1500; LENGTH + EN1] Syn. 1. elongate, draw out. LENGTHEN, EXTEND, STRETCH, PROLONG,… …
2continue — con·tin·ue vt tin·ued, tinu·ing: to postpone (a legal proceeding) to a future day Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. continue I …
3continue — Synonyms and related words: abide, adjourn, advance, be continuous, be prolonged, bide, carry on, carry over, carry through, catenate, cease not, chain, concatenate, connect, connect up, continuate, continue to be, dawdle, defeat time, defer,… …
4lengthen — I. v. a. 1. Elongate, extend (in space), stretch, draw out, produce, prolong. 2. Protract, continue, prolong, extend (in time), spin out. II. v. n. Become longer, grow longer, increase in length …
5Coordinated Universal Time — UTC redirects here. For other uses, see UTC (disambiguation). Coordinated Universal Time (abbreviated UTC) is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is one of several closely related successors to Greenwich… …
6prolong — v. a. 1. Lengthen, protract, continue lengthen in time. 2. Put off, postpone, defer. 3. Extend …
7protract — v. a. 1. Prolong, continue, lengthen (in time), spin out. 2. Lengthen, prolong (in space). 3. Delay, put off, postpone, defer …
8extend — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. continue, lengthen, elongate, widen, enlarge, stretch, draw out, prolong, protract, expand, spread, broaden; increase; hold out, proffer, offer, impart, bestow. See increase, length. Ant., shorten. II …
9RAID — This article is about the data storage technology. For other uses, see Raid (disambiguation). RAID, an acronym for Redundant Array of Independent Disks (originally Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks),[1] is a storage… …
10extend — ex|tend [ ık stend ] verb *** ▸ 1 continue in space/time ▸ 2 increase size/range etc. ▸ 3 offer greeting ▸ 4 increase length ▸ 5 lend money etc. ▸ 6 affect/include someone/something ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) intransitive extend from/into/over/beyond/for… …