Give expectation of

  • 1give expectation — index promise (raise expectations) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …

    Law dictionary

  • 2Expectation-maximization algorithm — An expectation maximization (EM) algorithm is used in statistics for finding maximum likelihood estimates of parameters in probabilistic models, where the model depends on unobserved latent variables. EM alternates between performing an… …


  • 3promise — prom·ise n: a declaration or manifestation esp. in a contract of an intention to act or refrain from acting in a specified way that gives the party to whom it is made a right to expect its fulfillment aleatory promise: a promise (as to compensate …

    Law dictionary

  • 4promise — I. n. 1. Word, engagement, assurance, pledge. 2. Ground or basis of hope, earnest, pledge. 3. Bestowal, fulfilment, grant of what is promised. II. v. a. 1. Pledge, engage, covenant. 2. Give expectation of, excite a hope of, assure. 3 …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 5surrender all hope — give up all hope, forego all expectation …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 6Christianity — /kris chee an i tee/, n., pl. Christianities. 1. the Christian religion, including the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches. 2. Christian beliefs or practices; Christian quality or character: Christianity mixed with pagan elements; …


  • 7probability theory — Math., Statistics. the theory of analyzing and making statements concerning the probability of the occurrence of uncertain events. Cf. probability (def. 4). [1830 40] * * * Branch of mathematics that deals with analysis of random events.… …


  • 8biblical literature — Introduction       four bodies of written works: the Old Testament writings according to the Hebrew canon; intertestamental works, including the Old Testament Apocrypha; the New Testament writings; and the New Testament Apocrypha.       The Old… …


  • 9international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… …


  • 10Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… …
