
  • 101Act&# 250;a A1+: actividades y ejercicios de refuerzo. Libro del alumno (+ Audio CD) , A. Gonzalez Hermoso (2010)
    Material de apoyo y refuerzo para el alumno. El estudiante puede utilizarlo como un material de autoaprendizaje, si tiene ya una peque&# 241;a base de espa&# 241;ol. Se trabaja: La f&# 243;n&#… 346 руб

  • 102Double Take 1. Listening and Speaking , Joanne Collie (1996)
    Topic-based skills training for teenagers.• The aim of the series is to develop confidence and fluency in each of the four major language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. • It… 301 руб

  • 103For Your Information 1. Student Book , Karen Blanchard (2007)
    The new edition of For Your Information 1: Reading and Vocabulary Skills, by Karen Blanchard and Christine Root, helps beginning students become engaged, thoughtful, and confident readers of English… 1260 руб

  • 104Macmillan Readers Beginner Dangerous Journey (2008)
    Four men are trapped in the forest. Heavy rain has turned the tracks into mud. The bridge across the river is broken. The men looked at the broken bridge and at the rushing water. Pedro spoke first… 478 руб

  • 105Dawson's Creek 1: The Beginning of Everything Else Reader (2008)
    The highly popular TV show Dawson's Creek has been shown in more than 50 countries around the world. The popularity of the show is proven by its huge fan base. Visitors to its website want to know… 478 руб

  • 106Blackberry Wine , Joanne Harris (2001)
    Everyday magic, he called it. The transformation of base matter into the stuff of dreams. Layman’s alchemy. Jay Mackintosh is trapped by memory in the old familiar landscapes of his childhood, more… 887 руб

  • 107Una lingua in pretura: il linguaggio del diritto. Libro dello studente (1996)
    L'opera si rivolge agli studenti con una conoscenza di base dell'italiano, che intendono accedere a testi scritti e orali affrontati nei corsi di laurea in Giurisprudenza e Scienze Politiche. Una… 1398 руб

  • 108Quintetto italiano: Approccio tematico multimediale - livello avanzato. Guida per l'insegnante , Mariella Totato (1997)
    L'obiettivo fondamentale di "Quintetto italiano"&# 232; quello di attivare le quattro abilit&# 224; linguistiche di base in unisono con un quinto elemento, il contesto culturale italiano, presentato… 1051 руб

  • 109Caramel 1 cahier d'&# 233;criture , N. Doring (2007)
    Il propose un mat&# 233;riel adapt&# 233; pour apprendre aux&# 233;l&# 232;ves l'&# 233;criture en alphabet latin. Utilisable avant ou avec la m&# 233;thode elle-m&# 234;me, il offre un apprentissage… 872 руб

  • 110350 exercices Vocabulaire - Debutant Corriges , Dominique Filpa-ekvall (1992)
    Voici les corrig&# 233;s du livre de l'&# 233;l&# 232;ve. Un travail stimulant et amusant pour se construire un vocabulaire de base, soit 1350 mots utiles et courants, rassembl&# 233;s par th&#… 609 руб