exchange transfusion

exchange transfusion
ex·change transfusion iks-'chānj- n simultaneous withdrawal of the recipient's blood and transfusion with the donor's blood esp. in the treatment of erythroblastosis

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a technique for treating haemolytic disease in newborn infants. Using a syringe with a three-way tap, blood is withdrawn from the baby (via the umbilical vein), ejected, and replaced by an equal amount of donor blood compatible with the mother's blood, without detaching the syringe. By many repetitions of this exchange, red blood cells liable to be destroyed and bilirubin released from those already destroyed are removed, while keeping the baby's blood volume and number of red cells constant. Exchange transfusion can also be used in sickle-cell disease, as a temporary treatment during a crisis, or in neonatal jaundice.

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exsanguination transfusion repetitive withdrawal of small amounts of blood and replacement with donor blood, until a large proportion of the blood volume has been exchanged; used primarily in newborn infants with erythroblastosis fetalis and sometimes in patients with various other blood conditions. Called also replacement t. and substitution t.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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