
The embryonic layer formed by association of the visceral layer of the lateral plate mesoderm with the endoderm. [splanchno- + G. pleura, side]

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splanch·no·pleure 'splaŋk-nə-.plu̇(ə)r n a layer of tissue that consists of the inner of the two layers into which the unsegmented sheet of mesoderm splits in the embryo of a craniate vertebrate together with the endoderm internal to it and that forms most of the walls and substance of the visceral organs compare SOMATOPLEURE
splanch·no·pleu·ric .splaŋk-nə-'plu̇r-ik adj

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the wall of the embryonic gut, which consists of a layer of endoderm with a layer of mesoderm outside it. The yolk sac is a continuation of this structure. Compare somatopleure.

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splanch·no·pleure (splankґno-ploor) [splanchno- + Gr. pleura side] the layer formed by the union of the splanchnic mesoderm with endoderm; from it are developed the muscles, as well as the connective tissue of the digestive tube. Called also splanchnoderm. splanchnopleural adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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