SD antigens

SD antigens
serologically defined a's.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Ir-associated antigens — Antigens coded for by Ir (immune response) genes or antigens coded for by the genome close to the Ir genes. See also Ia antigens …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • somatic antigens — antigens, usually cell surface antigens, of the body of a bacterial cell, in contrast to flagellar or capsular antigens. See O a …   Medical dictionary

  • species-specific antigens — antigens restricted to a single species and found in all members of the species …   Medical dictionary

  • antigens — an·ti·gen || æntɪdÊ’É™n n. foreign substance which stimulates the production of antibodies when introduced into a living organism …   English contemporary dictionary

  • History and naming of human leukocyte antigens — In these instances, the A1/A2, A2/A3, A1/A3 are matched, decreasing the probability of a rejection because many are linked to a given haplotype. Occasionally the recombinant A1 Cw7 B7(rare), B7 becomes the alloantigen in a recipient with A1 Cw7… …   Wikipedia

  • Other red cell antigens — In addition to the defined Human blood group systems, there are erythrocyte antigens which do not meet the definition of a blood group system. Most of these are either nearly universal in human blood or extremely rare and are rarely significant… …   Wikipedia

  • blood group antigens — the antigens responsible for specificities of blood groups; those of the ABO and Lewis blood groups were the first to be characterized. They are formed by sequential addition of monosaccharide moieties to any of several different types of… …   Medical dictionary

  • class I antigens — major histocompatibility antigens found on virtually every cell except for human erythrocytes; they are found on molecules consisting of two noncovalently bound chains. One, a 44 kD polymorphic glycoprotein partially embedded in the cell membrane …   Medical dictionary

  • human leukocyte antigens — (HLA) histocompatibility antigens governed by genes of the HLA complex (the human major histocompatibility complex), a region on the short arm of chromosome 6 containing several genetic loci, each having multiple alleles. Loci are designated by… …   Medical dictionary

  • Extractable nuclear antigens — are soluble cytoplasmic and nuclear components that are antibody targets with over 100 different antigens described. The main 6 used in immunological laboratories for detection are Ro, La, Sm, RNP, Scl 70 and Jo1, which are screened for by… …   Wikipedia

  • self-antigens — (= autoantigen) The antigens of an individual&’s body have the potential to be self antigens for the immune system and unless clones of immune cells reactive with self antigens are eliminated an autoimmune response can be initiated …   Dictionary of molecular biology

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